Thursday, March 15, 2012

The life

The rumors are true.... we do have the life.  Sometimes when I spend way too much time thinking the grass is greener in someone else's yard, I simply have to take a step back and look at my life.  I get mad at Xiana if I feel she's being ungrateful, and then I fail to set the example of expressing gratitude whilst I pine for something I don't have.  But seriously, I have the life.  Look at this world... this free, imaginative world where, all in an instant, Xiana can turn into a fairy and Kolton a frog... a running away from the fairy frog. 
Bibbity bobbity boo!!!  Xiana is so imaginative and goes to great lengths to entertain her brother.  He is such a boy that she usual has to resort to physical humor to get him really laughing.  It's not uncommon to find her hitting herself in the head while he laughs deep from his belly.  Last night while I made dinner, the two of them played in Xiana's room for almost two hours.  I never heard a word of complaint or need.  They played and loved and it was marvelous.  There are few things more fulfilling than the sounds of your children loving each other and playing together.
Also, in addition to being loved and spoiled rotten by both our families, we have non blood related family right in our neighborhood.  Helen, Marie, and Al spoil our kids to no end, but more importantly, they love our children.  They look forward to seeing them, and I daresay the kids brighten their days.  I look around sometimes and I'm shocked that there are people, lots of people, that don't have anyone.  Our life is so beautiful that we are surrounded by loved ones.  I got to thinking about this about a month ago when my parents were preparing to go on a couple trips.  That meant that I needed to have 7 full days of babysitters... like 7:30- 3.  I sent out an email to my playgroups and within 24 hours I had every day covered with countless back ups.  There are people who simply can't go to work if they don't have day care.  Here I am the lucky recipient of people who are eager to watch my kids, free of charge, simply to help out.  Yes, I tell you, life is good.  We are blessed. 
This rocket ship and chair are the latest additions to the spoiled rotten kids club.  Xiana takes her chair out of her room every day so she can sit on it in the living room.
And Kolton?  well forget about it.  This is his favorite toy ever.  He turns everything into a car anyway.... here is a toy he can push around that vrooms for him!!! 
Sissy is pretty fond of pushing him around on it too. She picks up quickly on what grown ups do.  She mimics most things.  the other day we stopped at 7-11 and she was taking forever to get out of the car.  I hastily told her to hurry up when noticed she was waving out her window to the truck pulling in behind us.  I'm sure she was invisible to them through the tinted windows and tiny car.  But she adamantly responded, "I'm waving him so he knows he can go!"  She also informed me one morning that "tech-lick-ly kolton didn't eat all his breakfast because he threw some on the floor."
Brother won't let anything escape him.  Xiana was playing Wii fit so he found the controller sleeve and held it up when she held hers up, jumped when she jumped, and danced to the music. 
I'm pretty sure he genuinely thought he was playing.  He laughed and laughed.... and then he spotted the camera and beelined for it.
What a little ham!!  Yes indeed, this is the life!

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