Sunday, March 11, 2012


At almost 10 months we have a walker!  It started with just 5-8 steps between mom and dad and quickly evolved to walking around the house most places.  Today at church he showed off and walked in front of the rows of chairs... I do believe he was showing off as he is much more of a ham than I previously thought. 
He waves, dances (which is especially funny when a rap song or something of that nature comes on...he puts his hands in the air and has a natural swagger), jumps, and squeals with delight.  The other day we went to the park and there was another little baby there.  Kolton crawled up to him as fast as he could squealing with excitement the entire time.  He waved to him, stood up next to him and proceeded to play chase and catch with him until they both lost their attention span, you know, roughly 7 minutes.  It was very cute.  Because he is often in the shadows of his boisterous, outgoing big sister, I failed to realize just how social he is.  He waves hello to everyone he sees at the grocery start and squeals at them if they fail to notice him. He is such a happy baby.  He babbles all day long.  He is so giggly.  Sometimes without any provocation he just laughs and laughs and laughs.  He's a little too tough for his own good and finds hitting and pinching to be greatly amusing... even if he is the one getting hit and pinched.  He shakes his head and yells until he's dizzy and then does it all over again. Here he is standing while dragging a magnadoodle with him.
When Xiana was trying to watch a show the other day, he would not be appeased by her not paying attention to him.  He climbed on her lap with his face in hers until she was in tears.  This did not thwart his efforts and he continued to climb aboard until she abandoned hope of watching her show and they proceeded to giggle uncontrollably to each other for a while.  It was one of those tender moments I am grateful to be privy to.
He loves his rocket ship, and, like all objects, drives it around making car noises.  Sometimes he pushes on his knees, others on his feet.  Either way, this boy is in perpetual motion.
He is a monkey and climbs all things.  His new thing is diving off the couch after he's climbed it.  We are less than thrilled with this recent attraction, but he will not be stopped.
He is persistent.  It doesn't hurt his feelings if he's told no or something is taken away from him.  His motto is: if at first you don't succeed, try try again.  So he does.  again, and again, and again.
When daddy plays music, he sings.  Also, during church he sings.  He has a cute little voice, and he keeps us laughing constantly always asking the other, "did you see that?"  Because there is typically something to see when he's around! We call him Bubba or Brother or Kolty.  The other day at the museum a lady told us that, in the South, if you call your son Bubba more than twice, it's his name.  I'm sorry dear Kolton.... Bubba is your name. :)

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