Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Straight or curly... this little girl is a diva! She struts her stuff like a high fashion model and constantly asks, "don't I look beautiful?"  Indeed she is!
  • She is also an obstinate little critter.  She can't be convinced otherwise once her mind is made up.  I frequently hear her, after being corrected on a song, scripture, letter, word, "I can say/sing/write whatever I want."  She will not tolerate being told she has the words wrong.  She will simply insist they are right.
  • I've frequently commented on how she says like like, a lot.  So, the other day when we were chopping down our Christmas tree, we mentioned that we were in California.  She exclaimed, "now we can say like because we can talk like Californians!"
  • While bragging about the many things Kolton can now eat to my friend she said, "he can even drink water!!  But not too much because we don't want him to waste calories."  Indeed I believe that's a phrase she's heard a time or two in her skinny little life.
  • While in the back seat Xiana was pushing buttons on her DVD player.  She announced, "It says there's a bad accident on Vista, we better go a different way."
  • Watching a TV program with a man creating a nutcracker, she said, "that guy is a gooder builder than my dad!  But I bet if my dad builds my playhouse then he will be a gooder builder."
  • Before my dad leaves for work on the mornings they have the kids, she always teases him saying, "good night, sleep tight."  Dad said, "don't let the bed bugs bite."  She very seriously told him, "but there's not really bed bugs.  That's just a figure of speech."
  • The other day Xiana informed me that I'm a "grownup kid."  Thinking I was young and fun, I asked her why.  "Because you still have a mommy and daddy."  Oh, well, I'm glad I have that sorted out.

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