Thursday, January 20, 2011
I went to visit my dearest friend Cambridge in Jan. Her husband passed away a few months previous to that and it was an overdue trip. I felt terrible that I couldn't be there for the funeral, but I'm really happy that I got to join her in Jan. She and I have been friends since we were teenagers and lived with one another more than once. I love her and her sweet daughter Morgan. It's interesting because I felt like I really could sympathize and understand how her life was... how she was coping.... how life continued... what kind of support network she had... and basically everything she was dealing with. I got there and I realized that I was very wrong. While I certainly could sympathize with my dear friend. I had little grasped the situation and the continuation of life as usual. My perception was a little off. I didn't consider the little things that dealing with such a magnanimous loss entails. I scarcely considered the cemetery, the headstone, the arrangements, the emptiness. I didn't think about what you do with the things your loved ones leave behind, the memories, the confusion, the heart ache (particularly of their 8-year-old child). Both she and her daughter are doing SO WELL. Truly, I am amazed at their ability and strength. I just didn't realize how much strength it takes to deal with a situation like that. But more than anything else, I found that I (and many others) have failed in the past to mourn with those who mourn. It's so easy for us to rejoice or celebrate new additions to families, new jobs, cars, etc. But for some reason, we fail to wrap our arms around our loved ones and shed tears with them, for them. We get so wrapped up in our own lives, problems, and pain, that we scarcely take the time to truly weep when someone we love needs our tears. I hope that I can be better in the future. I hope that when those around me face personal tragedy I don't try to sweep it under the rug with my cheerfulness or laugh the pain away. I hope that I can mourn with those who mourn, however they mourn, and serve those in need, whatever they need. I hope no-one has ever felt me brush aside their pain to make room for my optimism. In short, I hope that I can be Christlike and as He wept for Lazarus (even though He knew He was about to raise him from the dead) I too can weep for others' hurts big, small, or gigantic.
Las Vegas
We have a new nephew! My brother-and-sister-in-law recently had a new addition in their family and Brian and Xiana and I went to visit. Last year when we went Xiana and Tyson fought.... a lot. But this year they were good. Best of all, this year Paige (or as Xiana calls her "the girl baby") was big enough and girlie enough for she and Xiana to be attached at the hip. They played soooo nicely together and had such fun. Paige is surrounded by boys and Xiana only gets to see Ekco a couple times a month so they were overdue for some girl time! They played baby and kitchen and pretty much anything that Xiana instructed. It was really darling. Plus, it was a good opportunity for Xiana to be the big girl as she often plays with older kids. I think she genuinely enjoyed being more the boss girl. Brian read some books to the kids which he squeezed in to his busy hunting schedule.
Tyson and Xiana played kindly and danced and laughed with one another.
This little bundle of joy has a full head of hair and he is the BEST baby! I hope we get so lucky!
We went to the park where the kids played wild and free. This was especially enjoyable considering the winter weather we left behind.
It was 70 degrees in Vegas!
This was dinosaur park. I really miss the parks in Vegas. That is one thing that Reno doesn't really hold a candle to.
The girls shared a swing without complaint.
And slid together.... they didn't do much without their bffs.
And Xiana did some jumping. That evening Jenn and I took the girls and the baby to dinner while the boys hunted. We had SUCH a wonderful time. I think it was much needed girl time for the grown ups too! The kids were perfect little ladies and acted like they had been fine dining their whole little lives. The food was great and we followed it with a quick trip to the store and some wii games.
We had a wonderful time. Xiana just asked me yesterday, "when are we going to Jeff and Jenn's house again? I really liked it there... especailly the girl baby." I agree!
These little maniacs had a blast too.
Even though we don't get to see them that often, I'm grateful that the kids are establishing relationships and memories with their cousins and friends.
And their parents!
So... I am doing a co-op preschool with some other moms as I have afore mentioned. January was my month to be teacher and oh how Xiana loved to be the teacher's helper. Before the rest of the girls arrived she kept telling me, "and I will sit with you and be the teacher's helper, etc." It was awfully cute. We did string puzzles...
And then had free time. And I must say, I am mighty impressed with this group as free time (as in free un-structured do whatever you want play) consisted of them getting instruments and forming a band... pretty structured right? I swear I didn't coach them in the least!
And making animal sounds and walking like specific animals... again, no coaching!
We were working on colors this week so I made pudding and then we dyed it various colors to talk about what mixed with what makes what. Then... we used it as finger paint and it was delightful!
And tasty!
Then more free time... this go around they decided on ring around the roses and motor boat. I'm telling you people... these girls are natural born leaders! It was such fun to have them at my house. It's really exciting to see their little brains going. They are so smart and excited and eager to learn. Every time I would turn off the music and have them sit for a lesson portion they were attentive and quiet. They answered all the questions and especially loved doing fairy tale stories on felt boards. I feel so blessed that I am able to participate in this co-op despite the fact that I work outside the home. It is a rare pleasure that so many working moms don't get to enjoy. I'm thankful!
Can be awfully mean.... these geese tried to kill Xiana... truly! I had to put her out of beak's way in order to keep her safe. They acted like they hadn't been fed in a long long time. I have it on good authority that they had.
So, I placed her on the table (just for the record, they were not the least bit intimidated by me) and let her feed them a loaf of bread.
And it was cccccccold!!!!! Her little hands were frozen and it took roughly 3 minutes for these hogs to eat all the bread.
other birds are angry... they live on my iphone and Brian's ipod.... Xiana loves these birds most. I'm slightly concerned that I have a 3-year-old addict.
It's a Boy!
A few days after Christmas we went to get our one and only ultra sound. Both Xiana and Ekco got to come with us so it truly was a family affair. We really wanted a boy, not only because Brian needs a boy lest he turns our girls into boys, but also because we felt it would foster less competition between Xiana and the new little attention grabber. She is such an only child that I fear it will be much like it is for all toddlers with new babies: mixed with feelings of jealousy, insecurity, love, and adoration. I do love the idea of sisters, but because Ekco and Xiana already have each other, a boy is perfect! It took a little while for the doctor to be able to determine and I will admit, there was a split second of panic that we weren't going to be able to detect the gender of this little bugger but... he finally cooperated. The sweetest moment ever was when Brian told me that even though he wanted a little boy, there was a split second that he was sad it wasn't a little girl. That is as it should be!
Though both the girls wanted a girl, they were thrilled to find that it was a boy. It's incredible to know that this little spirit is up there just waiting to come down. That he will join our little family and be loved by us all.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Christmas morning was luxurious. Brian made scones and my parents brought over bagels and lockes (sp?). It was quite the spread and I was sufficiently STUFFED. (perhaps more than the doctor ordered as I gained my first weight this month of my pregnancy.. 10 whole lbs!) It was so delicious though and it was Brian's first time making scones and was quite successful. It was also really nice to wake up in our own house, go through our stockings, and veg out for the entire day. The only thing missing was Ekco, but we got her the following day which at least made it livable.
He's a good chef, but he's a messy one. I think he managed to get dough and flour on every surface of the entire kitchen, much the way he got tomatoes on every surface when he developed his home made spaghetti sauce recipe.
One of Xiana's favorite gifts was the cooking utensils and apron from Grandma and Grandpa Andersen. She played with them for hours and didn't even need to make the accompanying sugar cookies.
Our first Christmas as a family, in our first house, with our first tree. Aww the joy of firsts.
Xiana asked for tools. Partially I think because her cousin is obsessed with them, but also because her daddy is always working on one project or another with tools and she likes to follow him around and pretend to be fixing things herself.
She also got her first barbie ( a butterfly one, what can I say? I'm a succor!)
The gift she requested from Santa was a Dora backpack that sings and has all the accessories. She was thrilled. We got busted buying this as there were only two left on our shopping trip and she was with us. I nonchalantly got it and went to secretly put it in the cart when it started singing. It was something of a disaster.
She has really enjoyed playing with all her Polly pockets. I'm glad she's at an age to enjoy them, but they sure are messy!
Her apron is priceless.
She loves to perform.
It was great to have mom and dad and Garrett open gifts at our house. I think it was easier for them to bring Christmas to us than vice versa. It's truly a blessing to live so near both of our families.
The next day Ecko arrived and opened all of her gifts. She quickly directed Xiana in opening every single item and playing with it. Here they are dancing to a nifty recording device that puts them on the tv screen.
Ecko got a karaoke machine and watching both girls sing songs was more than heart warming. It was absolutely entertaining. Xiana belted into the microphone and really hammed it up and Ecko sang beautifully and so much like a grown up. It was fabulous.
Ekco really wanted a blizzard maker so Brian was going to get her a blender. Fortunately, at Toys R Us we were educated on what a blizzard maker is.
She also got some much needed new clothes. It was a wonderful Christmas. Brian spoiled me absolutely rotten getting me, not only the i-phone, but the kindle as well. Also, we bought each other GPS-es which resulted with me owing him 5 back massages due to a lost bet.
We are so blesssed and it was a fortunate year. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful family and know that the spirit of Christmas was truly in our home. It makes me shiver with joy to see how knowledgeable about the birth of Christ our girls are.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve was a great deal of fun as this was my first real Santa Claus year. We got wayyy too many gifts (especially Brian for me.... it's amazing how I could have zero gifts under the tree and then suddenly have more than anybody else!)
Santa came and stuffed the stockings and brought gifts.
And during the day we went on a family excursion in the mountains featuring... what else? target practice. Brian got to do donuts in the snow and scare us (which I think was equally fun for him). Then we went to my parent's for our traditional dinner, readings, and singing songs.
It was a great day, but we missed Ekco!
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