Monday, July 16, 2012


We were happy to be home from our trip.  You know that you've been gone for the right amount of time when everyone is grateful to be in their own beds.  We were in desperate need of groceries so I went grocery shopping and yielded to Xiana's requests to ride the rides.  This was Kolton's first time... my how second children are deprived :) They loved it!

Xiana got new goggles so Brian tried them on Kolton.. what a hunk!

While we were away, our new net came for our trampoline enabling the kids to go on it together (previously Kolton tried to jump off as fast as he could).  They had such fun that night and many since.  It's so sweet to sit on a chair while the littles jump and Brian works on the garden.  Xiana is getting pretty good at flips and Kolton is trying his little heart out to copy her.  So far he has the head down part right.

And speaking of the garden... isn't it beautiful?! 

The first thing Brian picked this year was a turnip... and it was gross!  But we have since been buried in zucchini and squash which I've been centering meals around.... right around the corner we'll have a whole slew of tomatoes.  I'm so glad I have a gardening husband!  He makes meal time so much more delicious!

I went to shower and told Xiana to watch Kolton.  When I came down I found him spinning in the living room, like this!  The funny thing is that Brian is constantly looking for his hats.  I think we've found the culprit.

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