Monday, October 26, 2009

This Year...

It's hard to believe that 2 years have passed since the birth of my little girl. I know it's cliche, but I feel like I blinked and it was two years later. In posting my last two blogs I found myself waxing nostalgic about the huge changes of the past two years. For one thing, of the 15 or so friends that came to the hospital the day of Xiana's birth, only 2 still remain in Vegas. These last 2 years were years of great change.... for everyone. 3 years ago when we were all running around being crazy, we would have never believed what the coming years would bring. In a lot of respects it's a good thing we didn't know because if we had, we might have turned and run away. Several breakups catapulted friends away from Vegas. Others followed budding romances...some lasted, some did not. Job losses, job gains, identity losses, identity gains, further education, deaths, and near-death experiences were responsible for many moves. A lost battle with cancer is the most recent culprit of change in the face of friends made and lost. I guess that every year brings new experiences and new farewells. Five months ago, Xiana and I left the only home she had ever known and moved in with my parents in Sparks. She has always been a happy little girl, but I dare say that since our arrival, her contentment has risen to a new level. She adores her grandma and grandpa and Uncle Garrett. She loves the house she has finally deemed, "mine's house," and she loves having her mommy around to play with her about 3 times as much as the first 18 months of her life. She is so smart and observant. I am constantly amazed at just how much personality a tiny little girl can have. She is the most social creature I have ever seen. She is already feisty and passionate. She is indignant when people don't pay attention to her. If somebody dares not comment on how adorable she is, she makes a scene as if to say, "did you see me? I'm right here. I didn't hear a compliment. Is something wrong with you?" Like her mother, she thrives on optimism. She is cranky sometimes, like any 2-year-old, but she seems to enjoy life. She is cheerful and kind. She is concerned about others, particularly when they are sad. She brings joy to those around her. She is conscientious of the spirit and points Jesus out to me everywhere we go. She is fiercely independent and doesn't skip a beat with bigger kids. She is completely sure of herself and is insistent in her request for equality. She doesn't want anything different than what everybody else has, which often means the "big one." As I read through those blogs I wrote 2 years ago, I tried to ask myself if the goals I had set forth for her and myself were being accomplished. I am confident that I am doing my best to ensure that they are. But what's more, so far, everything I hoped she would be... she is. She is brave, lovely, happy, and intelligent. She is kind and vivacious and confident. I recognize that she is only 2 and there is a lot of life ahead of her, but so far, I can't say that I have a single complaint. Xiana is exactly 100 percent everything that I would make her if I had the ability to create the most perfect, complimentary child for me. Happy Birthday Xiana! I look forward to all the years in your beautiful future.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful is all I have to say! you made me cry! and now I miss you guys even more. Those last 2 post really got me missing you guys and the pictures!!
