Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Last Page

Yesterday I typed the last page of the last paper that I will ever write for my Master's degree. What an overwhelming feeling it was to finish the last of hundreds and hundreds of pages. As I put the finishing touches on the last paper and re-read for the last time my criticism, a tiny tear escaped from the corner of my eye. I'm not trying to be all mushy boo hoo or anything, but I really did shed a tear. It was a tear of joy, a tear of relief, of exhaustion, and accomplishment, but above all it was a tear of pride. Not the "I'm so amazing aren't I?" type of pride. It was a different sort of pride all together. It was the pride that says, "I can't believe I did it. I am astonished that I made it through something that was so hard, but seemed so effortless at times." It was the kind of pride that made me feel simultaneously self-congratulatory and gratefully humble. I feel so overcome with joy it is hard to put into words. Still, at the core of it all is the underlying knowledge that I had so much help. I know with every fiber of my being that I am incapable of accomplishing this on my own. I am so thankful for the tender mercies of the Lord and His willingness to get me through so many times that just felt utterly impossible. I recognize that I am not the first single mom to get through school, but often in the last year and a half, it felt as if I was. But always always always I had the comfort of knowing that God knew what I was going through and He rooted me on, made things work for me, and comforted me when I was afraid or discouraged. So like I said, this type of pride is different than most. It is one that encompasses a massive sense of accomplishment AND an immense sensation of gratitude and humility. I am so elated. I am so relieved. I am so thankful. I am so proud. And best of all, I am so done!!!


  1. I am so happy for you. You are so amazing. I'll miss seeing you and I'm so grateful for having the chance to get to know you! Hopefully we'll stay in touch! YAY for you!!!! Really, CONGRATULATIONS!

  2. Yeah!!! Congratulations, Lenaya. You are an amazing woman. I love you!

  3. Yay! Congratulations on being DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL! I hope you don't mind if I continue to follow your blogress once you've shaken the dust of the L.V. off your super-stylish clothes. You will be missed!

    -L.B. from Shakespeare (and the Writing Center).
