Saturday, May 30, 2009

I think she gets it

Xiana has been mimicking everything everybody says for a little while now, but I was unsure how many concepts she actually understood. I now know that she pretty much gets it. Today she was spinning in the living room (one of her all time favorite past times) and stopped saying, "I dizzy." Later, we were at the grocery store and she was struggling to get out of my arms. I told her that she couldn't walk because we had to be really fast. She continued to throw a fit until she got out of my grasp and onto the floor at which point she proceeded to swing her arms as she ran through the supermarket whispering, "fast fast fast fast fast." Clearly, she gets it. Over at a friend's house today after going to the bedroom to wake her friend's daddy, she confidently told me, "I wake daddy too" and at home this evening told me, "I wet" and "I poop" according to her nether regions. She also tells me, "I sad, I tired (tiwed), I shoe on, I shoe off, I diaper change" etc. The list goes on and on. It is the best experience to get to watch as she pieces together her surroundings and is able to verbalize concepts that she clearly understands.....What a little smarty pants!


  1. Language development is the greatest!

  2. Yes she does get it. Xiana is so stinkin smart. How fun to watch her grow and change all the time. Savour your summer being off work and school I am sure it will be over too fast. Can't wait to see you!

  3. It is SO fun to watch and HEAR them grow. Miss you. :)

  4. I miss you guys too! Thanks for the post comment and compliment! Coming from you, that really does mean a lot to me! I love to write, and sometime in the future I'd like to take the next step with writing...what and when is yet to be determined! How are you doing up there? What are you guys doing for the summer? Any dating updates (your internet dating saga has been very entertaining for me...I'm sorry that your pain is entertaining :) )?

  5. SO glad you found our blog! I miss seeing you and your so so adorable daughter. Ill be stalking you, haha.
