Sunday, December 30, 2012

Oh there's no place like home for the holidays...

 After a fun filled, slightly uncomfortable trip, we were all happy to be home.  We had a scare that our water main had burst in our absence so we hurried home to see if Brian could fix it.  Our second Christmas miracle was that he couldn't find a leak.  I'm not sure what made it bubble up and puddle the day my brother-in-law stopped by, but whatever the case, I'm grateful for Christmas miracles.  Xiana asked Santa for a gymnastics Dora.  He delivered.  She does a full routine... she's cute, and a little bit freaky.  One of Kolton's many gifts was this fun tent and tunnel.  He loved climbing through and acting crazy.  We'll see how long this tent survives his rough tendencies.

Xiana practiced roller skating on the carpet in the living room.  This is exactly as it should be I feel.  She was so funny with her absolute inability.  I fear I've deprived her and hope for many more living room sessions in her future.

It snowed in Battle Mountain, but the kids were still sick enough that it wasn't entirely tempting to them.  I'm happy to report that the first morning we were home, they geared up and headed out.  They jumped on a snow covered trampoline, played with spoons and bowls making all kinds of creations, and attempted a snowman.

Brian has been playing with his new trucks pretty much non stop since we got home.  He's like a big kid... except that his toys are way more expensive!  The trucks are a lot of fun.  They can go up to 60 mph, but they are entirely unmanageable about any faster than 30.  Kolton loves them yelling, "caa, caa caa" repeatedly.  He gets cold much faster than the bigger boy and comes in the house crying, "coold... owie!" in an effort to get me to hold his frigid hands.  While we had a wonderful time visiting family, it was also nice to be home.

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