Monday, May 14, 2012

Competitive comedy

There is something truly comedic about 4 and 5-year olds playing Tball.  Sometimes they run the wrong way.  Sometimes they catch the ball on base.  And often (very often) they tackle whomever has the ball.  It's priceless to watch.  The girls especially are completely and utterly distracted.  And yet, there is something magical that happens after a few months of practice and games.  Suddenly, I am starting to witness a transformation.  There are still comedic mishaps, and they aren't entirely focused, but a little tiny team is emerging.  They are getting the hang of it, running the right way.  They know the difference between being outfield and up to bat.  They know to catch the ball and throw it to first base.  They make their best attempts to do so.  It's incredible to watch their little journey.  They are learning about teams and team work, and rules and organized chaos.  They are developing skills that will actually assist them int heir futures.  It's heart warming. 
Plus, they are creating bonds... even if they are bonds with their daddies.... and that's pretty darn special if you ask me.

Xiana still favors high fiving the other team and yelling cardinals as a group.  She is a social girl through and through. 
But she can now hit the ball off the tee and almost hit it off the pitch.  She no longer looks like she's in a beauty pageant while running to first base.  She actually has a tiny bit of speed behind her. And she knows when she sits on the bench she needs to get her hat on, and when she's outfield she needs to leave her cap on.  All in all, she learning the life of the game.  And she likes it!

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