Monday, March 13, 2017


Sometimes I get through a busy week and think, "did I have any family time at all?" I worry that I don't spend enough time... reading to my kids, playing with my kids, teaching my kids.  Then I look back at my pictures and try to remind myself of the rich, fulfilling experience we have as a family.  We are busy yes, but I don't think I will look back one day and feel like we didn't spend enough. 

The summer yield of vegetables and fruits is so glorious... it's hard when the season is past and I yearn for its return.  This is much the same as the seasons of raising children. I'm trying to hard to enjoy my season... each season, while it is here.  I'm trying not to wish my season away. Sometimes I think it'll be so easy when they're all in school and I don't have to juggle so much childcare.  But then the realization comes crashing down on me that when that happens, I will have no toddler in the home saying silly things, entertaining the rest of us with their silly antics. Right now, Argenta is the family favorite. Xiana carefully tends to her, always accommodating and ensuring that she's happy. Kolton wrestles her, and dances with her, and giggles furiously when she smothers  him in her love.  Xiana and Kolton do nothing but fight with each other, so it's refreshing to see their tenderness towards their littlest sibling.  We are working on transferring some of that affection. :)

Argenta has been having night terrors about snakes still, so Brian and Nic gave her a blessing...I know I should have been reverently closing my own eyes, but I couldn't resist snapping an shot of the most endearing little child trying so hard to be reverent.  Kolton and Xiana continue to fight over who gets to sleep in Argenta's room each night to keep her comforted.  She hasn't had one for a while... I don't know how we are going to get them out of her room.  Silly girl.

We have had the pleasure of seeing Nic's family much more often as his house is built in Idaho and he stays with my mom.  What fun it's been! And of course, I have to always chronicle the daddy wrestle time that is such a regular occurrence in our household. What a treasure to have a daddy who plays and is so fun.  I love this life.

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