Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our Days...

We went to "Musical Malarky," a play that Ali was in for the singles wards.  It was hilarious and fun!  Best of all, my friend willingly watched Kolton so we did not have to bring him!  She kindly took him to the farm to pick carrots. During intermission she sent me a text with this picture: "I guess he decided he wanted to be a true farmer:)"
Poor Kolton gets dressed up as a girl all the time.  The other day, another friend of mine took both kids (which I assure you at this stage is a true act of love).  She sent me a text saying, "look what the girls are doing to your little boy." Pretty darling!  The funny thing is he likes to dress up.  If he can't find his captain America costume, he's just as happy to bring me a tutu.
Xiana has a plethora of books memorized.  It's wonderful! She can "read" to him for me.  He loves it. I love it. Our days are pretty awesome.... well, most of the time :)

Xiana made her own little hot air balloon at school.  I'm so glad she's had the opportunity to be in this program!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness that pic of the 2 girls with a dressed up Kolton rekinds me of a pic of u and me with a dressed up Sterling and Skylar I will have to send u a copy of it!!!
