Thursday, April 5, 2012


  • At ten months Kolton is a prolific walker.  It is now is main mode of transportation
  • We went to eat breakfast at the buffet, and he double fisted food into his mouth for 60 full minutes.  A group of women at another table came by to comment that they had never seen a baby eat so much.  It's true.  I thought if he ate one more bite he might explode... just before he polished of another donut.
  • He LOVES to dance.  If he hears music or if you even utter the word dance, he points his finger in the air and starts bouncing with a happy grin across his face.  It is just too much sometimes.  I alternate between melting and laughing hysterically.
  • He is a crazy baby.... says most who look after him... and confirmed by his family.  He wreaks havoc on everything.  He scarcely slows down, and he thinks punishment is another form of a game that makes him laugh out loud.  I had a friend watch him one day and I apologized in advance for how crazy he is.  She assured me that her baby was the exact same age so not to worry about it.  When I came on my break to help out,  I walked in the front door to her exclaiming, "Your. baby. is. crazy!"  To which I simply responded that I had warned her.
  • He already has a chipped tooth (no idea how he got it) and purses his lips together when we try to brush his teeth.  I'm going to give a public disclaimer that if he ends up with cavities... it is his OWN fault!
  • He dances differently to rap than his does to country showing he's got rhythm.
  • He can now successfully go up and down the stairs... so that's what he frequently
  • While he destroys things, he giggles... loudly!
  • He gives his sister kisses all the live long day.
  • He runs for the door to greet his daddy when he gets home from work.
  • He points at everything.
  • He is wonderful!

  • Ekco is becoming a young woman more and more and more.  Her fashion, her appearance, and her demeanor are changing right before our eyes.
  • She loves to read and has her nose buried in a book most weekends.
  • She does not like to play anymore (which makes Xiana very sad).
  • Her prayers are very mature and sophisticated.
  • She is getting close to 11!
  • We left her to watch Xiana for about a half hour while we ran a quick errand one day.  Like I said, she is growing up!
  • She is very interested in cooking and is learning more and more about it. 
  • She is getting to be very helpful and can even get Kolton out of his crib after naps!!
  • Xiana is 4 1/2 going on 14.  She is pretty positive that she is in the Young Women class.
  • She continues to belt out songs at the top of her longs and knows ALL the lyrics to roughly 500.  Currently her favorites are: Taylor Swift, "You Belong With Me, Mean," and pretty much any of her songs.  Adele, "Set Fire to the Rain, Someone Like You, and Rolling in the Deep," "Colder Weather" by Zac Brown band... I think... And I heard her the other day singing, "American Pie" pretty accurately.
  • One night when we were reading scriptures I thought she was goofing off and so, when she asked if I would read another page, I answered that she wasn't even listening.  She insisted that she was so I asked, "What just happened?"  She promptly responded, "Amulek went to Amonnihah because the wicked people still wouldn't listen to him."  Pretty good.
  • After a visit to Al's house she told Grandpa that it takes the water a long time to get hot because it has to come all the way from the garage.  Spot on.
  • At 7-11 she pointed out her window and said, hey, there's propane tanks.  And there was.  Seriously I don't know where she picks all this stuff up from.
  • One day we were having an especially hard time and she was suffering from the worst punishment of not being tucked in.  When we were driving she told me, "mommy, when I was in the bathtub I prayd-ed to Heavenly Father and Jesus that you would be nice to me and not fight with me and tuck my in tonight." I asked, "did you also ask for help to be obedient?"
  • On a windy day she told me, "the wind is blowing so hard I just can't resist it."
  • One night when I cut off scripture reading, she was engrossed in what would happen next.  She informed me, "when I wake up in the morning we better go straight to reading the scriptures."
  • She brought me a drawing of a girl with long hair and red spots on her face, hands, and feet.  She told me, "mom, this is a picture of me having hand foot and mouth disease.
  • After Grandpa was out of town for a while she told him, "Every time I see my panda I think of you."

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