Saturday, April 25, 2009

New old shirt

I held on to this shirt for 10 years because I just couldn't part with it. In my last move I told myself, 'this is the last time you are moving this shirt!' Today, I tried it on and it fits!!!! Last year I couldn't get one arm into it and now it fits just fine. So exciting!

Last week to get out of the 90 degree weather we went with the Hageys to Duck Creek Park where...yep, the water was turned off!! So, we rushed to town square where we got to cool off and have yogurt land. You can't beat that!

This week when asked if she wanted a waffle or pancake for breakfast, Xiana confidently replied, "cereal" ignoring her request and getting a waffle out of the freezer she said, "cereal!" and pointed to where the cereal is. Can't accuse her of not knowing her mind. Then, while eating said cereal she said, "uh oh" "what" i asked "I dopped it" she replied of her kix that were now in her lap. It is so fun to watch her language exploded daily. I love to hear her say new words or phrases.

Sweet Pig Tails!

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