Monday, April 24, 2017

The Patch in September

This was Kolton's last year with daily visits to the pumpkin patch since he will be starting school next year.  He did not take it for granted. He played strong all day, every day.  Fortunately, Xiana had fall break and was able to spend a lot of time there as well.  Although, I'm finding her older and older. The things that were magical to her in year's past have lost their allure. She's aging out of some of the activities instead choosing to sit with Emma on the grass and visit or go through the older corn maze.  Growth is important and wonderful, but it is also bittersweet at times.  The cliches are truer for me each year... if you blink, you'll miss it.


For Jamee's birthday, some lovely friends surprised her with a darling picnic in the park. I was a lucky guest. Jamee was so surprised and her reaction was priceless! Everybody dressed up.  It was so beautiful complete with fruit, desserts, a chocolate taste testing, flowers, wonderful conversations with sweet friends.  After the ward split, feelings were tender as we embarked on new adventures with a new ward family.  But I kept thinking of the song, make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.  It is so true. Our human hearts have the capacity to love and love and love.  We will never run out of room.